Android power: Setting up your new phone

Android power: Setting up your new phone

New to Android? Welcome to Google’s cool OS club. That’s an “operating system” for the tech newbies. Unboxing your new Huawei or Samsung mobile phone is one of the most exciting moments of the whole process — but if you’re new to setting it up, you’ll want to follow Mobile Store’s easy tips, as well as take note of our tricks for a better mobile experience.

Welcome to your new Android phone

Many people think the iPhone is the king of smartphones but Android's operating system and sleek designs have been giving the tech giant a run for its money. Androids offer a world of possibilities and now, you're ready to start exploring your new phone.

You're probably vibrating with excitement to unlock your new device and get your smartphone running and texting. But before that, you'll need to set it up.

Don't worry though, as advanced as these devices are, it's quite easy to set up an Android phone. Before you start, make sure you have some time to dedicate to your new device for the setup process, get connected to the Wi-Fi network, and take some time to get adjusted.

After you've inserted your sim card and pressed the power button, it's time to get started!

Set up an Android phone with a cloud backup

If this isn't your first Android, you may want to restore your old device's settings with a cloud-based backup. Before you set up a new phone, ensure you've taken advantage of the backup feature.

Power on your phone. Then follow the on-screen instructions when you go through the new phone setup and your phone will restore a backup version without any hassle.

You can skip this step if you want a completely new phone (without your old apps, photos, videos, or device settings) or if you want to do it manually.

A step-by-step guide to setting up a new Android phone

Android is a mobile operating system developed and owned by Google, for Samsung and Huawei phones and tablets. Google has released 13 versions of Android and, over the years, it has faced both support from Android lovers and criticism from die-hard Apple iOS fans. 

So, your device is powered, you've put your sim card in, and are looking at the welcome screen ... Now what? You can follow the prompts for an easy set-up, or if you need more help with the system settings and other setup options, follow our quick guide below:

Step 1: Select the language you would like your phone to be programmed in.

Step 2: Agree to the terms and conditions to continue setting up.

Step 3: Your phone should automatically connect to Wi-Fi if you have it in your home. If you don’t have Wi-Fi, your mobile data is going to be used to set up your phone, which will be costly — so try to set up in a Wi-Fi zone, if you can. 

Step 4: Enter your Google account email address and password. If you don't have one, you can always create one. 

Step 5: After you’ve signed into your account, you’ll choose which apps and data you’d like to transfer from your old phone.

Sometimes this takes up to 30 minutes if you have a lot of data, but you can start to use your new Android while it downloads.

Step 6: Set up your fingerprint ID, if the device allows it. 

Now you’re all set up! You’ll be presented with your phone’s home screen which should have pre-installed apps, as well as apps and data from your old phone.

An introduction to Google services on your new Android smartphone

The great thing about your new Android device is that you can use Google effortlessly because of its preinstalled apps and programs. You don't even need to set up your device to do this — it's ready the moment your new phone is!

Google Assistant:

Google Assistant is a virtual assistant, similar to Apple’s Siri. To activate Google Assistant on your Android, simply say “OK Google” or press and hold the home button on your phone. Google Assistant will allow you to search for information, send texts, set reminders, and even control smart home devices.

Google Play Store:

Your Android phone also comes with access to the Google Play Store app, from where you can download apps for your new device. Simply open the Play Store and either browse through categories such as Games, Music, or Tools or search for a specific app you’d like to download onto your phone.

Keep in mind that some apps may require payment before downloading them — if this is the case, ensure that your credit card is linked to your Google Play account.

If you don't already have an account, you need to set up Google services to be able to connect your phone.

Five top tips for a better, faster, safer Android experience.

1. Download additional antivirus software

As much as we love Android phones, the king of OS security has long been Apple iOS. However, Android has made greater strides in recent years to beef up its security — so we’ll give credit where credit is due. 

Nonetheless, for anyone uber anxious, downloading additional antivirus protection for your Android would give your phone and your online activities that added layer of safety and privacy. 

Antivirus software is relatively affordable; you will usually only have to pay one fee for an entire year. Good recommendations include Norton Mobile Security and Bitdefender.

2. Delete apps you don’t want or use

Each Samsung or Huawei phone comes with many pre-installed apps as part of the OS offers — but this doesn’t mean you have to keep all of them or even use them. After all, it is your phone and you should be able to tailor it how you see fit. 

Deleting apps you don’t use will also free-up space on your phone, so you can download apps from the Google Play Store that you really want.

3. Use the Quick Settings menu

This handy little tool is accessible by simply swiping down from the top of your screen with two fingers. Think of it like a virtual picnic basket of all your favourite apps and tools which are all made easily reachable. 

You can switch on or off your Wi-Fi, play music, check your battery life, adjust your screen brightness, turn Flight Mode on, switch on your torch, or activate your alarm clock. The Quick Settings menu is also editable — meaning you can change which apps and tools to access.

4. Select which Notifications you actually want to see

If there’s an app for it, there’s a notification for it. And, let’s be honest, notifications can be distracting and overwhelming.

Go into your Settings and manually turn off notifications for apps you don’t, or rarely, use. You can also mute or limit notifications from apps that are typically noisy like Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook. 

Turning off a lot of your notifications will also save you on data and battery life, as every little action performed by your phone requires one or both. Furthermore, if you’d like to take a break from all notifications altogether, activate the “Do Not Disturb” feature in your sound settings — and enjoy the peace and quiet.

5. Use your Google Assistant when you’re on the phone

This pretty neat tool is bound to make you feel like you have your own executive assistant. If you’re on the phone and you’ve been put on hold, activate your Google Assistant to let you know when someone on the other end answers the call. 

To activate this, simply tap the three little dots in the top right corner of your screen and select “Hold for me”. 

This way, you can put your phone down and continue working or watching that Netflix documentary.

Out with the old, in with the new Android! 

Are you looking into a new Android device like a phone or tablet? Is it time to move on to the next best thing and get another device? Then it's time to visit Mobile Store! Give our website a visit to hear more about the latest deals and how you can save on the latest and greatest Android devices available.